Happy Remembrance Day


Sporting a hammer...
That's what we call today in Canada...

Pretty much the same as the US' Veteran's day...

Much respect and thanks to all...

It's a stat holiday for a select few of us but I'm thinking it'll be a nation wide stat holiday by this time next year...As it should be...In the past few days I've seen more people(and young people which is cool),wearing the poppy,than I can remember in recent years...

We stand on guard for thee...



it's difficult to imagine that in a little less than 4½ years nearly 16 MILLION people died in world war 1 (which is how we came to have this veteran's/armistice/rememberance day).

(followed IMMEDIATELY by the Spanish Flu pandemic which killed around 70 MILLION)
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Ya.......It's difficult to believe that I'm one person...
One person that will be gone forever one day...
Freaks me out..

I try to believe in God because my Grandmother spoke to me a few days after she passed..

The problem I've been struggling with lately is with a dude at work that took a heart attack last year...

He was gone twice and they brought him back to life...

The way he explains it is like turning off the TV..

i had to scan these in just now so they could be posted. as you can see by the yellowing, they are OLD!!

first one is me in the foregound and team mate moving out from a tree line.
and this one is us storming a position with an Armored Personnel Carrier. (i'm just behind the APC and about to come running around.)
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and this is me searching a body for potential intelligence, while SSgt John S. is holding my rifle and securing our position, sort of

fun times :)