Gonna take the family for a dinner cruise tomorrow


Kick Henry Jackassowski
So I have a little tin boat which has been mothballed in the back yard for a while. But now, after a 5 year baby-related hiatus, the Atomic Barnacle is ready to sail again!!!
I'm taking some staycation this week so I replaced the 1952 vintage transom and repaired the front seat. Motor (which I rebuilt back in 2012, winterized and stored in the basement) started on the 2nd pull.

Kids are excited. Just need to find a life jacket that fits the 2yr old.
Then if all goes according to plan were gonna take a run up the river and have a little picnic tomorrow.

So now for the question: sandwiches or cold fried chicken?
Well a decision was made
I just assembled a "full loaf of italian bread" size ham and turkey sub. With mayo, swiss and cheddar cheese, freshly sliced lettuce, tomato, onion, and dill pickles.

I'm feeling pretty good about it.
sounds fun!!! we met up with some friends recently who have a pontoon boat. found a little cove, grilled some burgers, kids swam. it was a blast.
Boat ran great. The almost 2 year old was a handful. Threw his sippy cup in the water as soon as we handed it to him. Motored around a bit and pulled up next to an island to eat dinner in the shade. Little guy got really fussy on the way back to the dock.
Total prep time: 2 vacation days (including transom rebuild)
Time on the water: 90 minutes

Ah, parenting.

On the bright side, my 4 yr old loved it and did great in the boat. I think shes gonna be my fishing buddy. She was very relieved to find out we dont have any crocodiles here in Pennsylvania.
The sandwich was delicious and so was the ice cold beer I washed it down with.
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Boat ran great. The almost 2 year old was a handful. Threw his sippy cup in the water as soon as we handed it to him. Motored around a bit and pulled up next to an island to eat dinner in the shade. Little guy got really fussy on the way back to the dock.
Total prep time: 2 vacation days (including transom rebuild)
Time on the water: 90 minutes

Ah, parenting.

On the bright side, my 4 yr old loved it and did great in the boat. I think shes gonna be my fishing buddy. She was very relieved to find out we don't have any crocodiles here in Pennsylvania.
The sandwich was delicious and so was the ice cold beer I washed it down with.

My dad did the same thing with my brother and I. Had some great times out fishing as a kid. We had a 12 foot aluminum jonboat. We would load all of our shit into it and be off at zero dark thirty after making and packing a small larder of food. I don't remember ever using a gas motor with it. We used to fish in smaller ponds simply because we didn't have to deal with powerboat traffic. Watching the sun come up and listening to the world come alive was a sort of magic. Having a big old bass hit your Jitterbug was a plus.
Watching the sun come up and listening to the world come alive was a sort of magic. Having a big old bass hit your Jitterbug was a plus.
I haven't experienced that in so long. Just reading those words reminded me how much I love it and how awesome it truly is. I need to get back to that soon.
I haven't experienced that in so long. Just reading those words reminded me how much I love it and how awesome it truly is. I need to get back to that soon.

I haven't been pond fishing for almost 30 years. These days I much prefer surf casting. Thing is, I haven't been at all so far this year. Besides the beaches being closed up, the bait stores have been shut tight too.