Gibson moves to PCB controls


Mediocringly Derivative

markwein said:
one more thing to break and not easily service yourself.

not necessarily. all they have to do is make a quick-change connector for the pots and it'll be fine. soldering is messy, and most guitarists wouldnt' know how to change a pot anyway.

get the replacement pickup companies in on the right connectors, and you'll see a lot more of those sold as it'll be easier to swap pickups.
I can see the PCB's cracking as people don't keep the pots tight and put anykind of sideways force on them.

My students are notorious for letting pots and input jacks stay loose to the point that wires get broken....
I don't know. I mean, if it catches on, it would make swapping pickups child's play.

I read the thread complaining about bad connections on HCEG, but I think you'd probably run as much or more risk of having a bad solder joint in a regular PTP wired guitar.

We'll see how it pans out. I think it's probably a step in the right direction as far as moving to a more modern manufacturing process.
markwein said:
I can see the PCB's cracking as people don't keep the pots tight and put anykind of sideways force on them.

My students are notorious for letting pots and input jacks stay loose to the point that wires get broken....

that's just it, there wouldn't be any more body mounted pots. they're mounted to the PCB. your students could break it off, but they couldn't loosen up at all.
You know this will turn into a Vinson "point to point vs. PCB" thread in 3...2...1...
markwein said:
You know this will turn into a Vinson "point to point vs. PCB" thread in 3...2...1...

there's nothing wrong with using PC boards if all the parts are quality, including the board. its when manufacturers do it on the cheap that everything goes wrong.