Gibson goes punk.

You gotta pay thousands to get a guitar that’s all beat to hell n back?

I like the gold top and p90s, but I’ll take a shiny new one for a mere $5k.
That's the going rate for any Murphy lab aged LP at this point unfortunately
That's the going rate for any Murphy lab aged LP at this point unfortunately

I will give credit to the Murphy Lab, they produce the most believable relic jobs (not counting the secret builders who make perfect copies of 1950s Fenders). But FFS the price seems nuts.
Not interested at any price, and not interested and laughing at 9 grand.
Probably the only sig guitar I'd care to own, but $9k is out. Maybe they'll put out a non-Murphy Labs one at a reasonable price.
Like any of the regulars on this forum would pay 9 large for a guitar (myself included) :lmbo:
Like any of the regulars on this forum would pay 9 large for a guitar (myself included) :lmbo:

Yeah, they have gone insane with their pricing. I'm not sure who they expect to drop 9 grand on a guitar.
Nine grand and no toggle tape? Pffft!

I've liked Social D for a long time, and even played some of their songs in my bands, but I really don't like this guitar. Mike Ness opted for 70s goldtop Deluxes, due to the fact that he could get them relatively cheap used (a lot of players DON'T like mini-humbuckers), and Neil Young's guitar tech told him that P90s were a direct drop-in fit into them - ergo, he could have the P90 loaded Les Pauls he wanted without having to pay bundle for them (in the 80s & early 90s P90 goldtop Les Pauls weren't very common, and cost a bundle [especially if you bought a vintage one]). This guitar totally goes against that ethos, with its ridiculous price, and it only works for collectors, and high salary professionals (doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc.), who want faux punk cred.