Funk Backing Track Jam


HC Refugee
Need to work on timing here and a few blind alleys:

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OK, I have been torturing myself with the Highway Star solo all day, so this should be a fun change of pace... I just downloaded it, so I'll be back later with some kind of wankage...
Need to work on timing here and a few blind alleys:

Sounded good to me mnewb1 :thu:

The warts made it real bro. Nice and tasty as you went through several styles of players that I could ID :rawk:

Cool!...some very nice licks in there :)

I really like's full of twists and turns...really cool variation throughout. Superb! :thu:

My early Saturday morning take whilst not quite awake :facepalm:

Classic Mo ripping it apart Totally_jammin_out

I did two takes to this BT, one clean and one with dirt.

For the clean, I played using my fingers.

For the dirt - with the pick

Sounded good to me mnewb1 :thu:

The warts made it real bro. Nice and tasty as you went through several styles of players that I could ID :rawk:

Classic Mo ripping it apart Totally_jammin_out

I did two takes to this BT, one clean and one with dirt.

For the clean, I played using my fingers.

For the dirt - with the pick

While the dirt take had a good flow to it, I have to say I prefer your clean. I really like the phrasing and feel you're going for there!