Fred Dibnah episode 4 : Drinking and Climbing


Dogue in teh desert
Youtube is just amazing....the recommendations!

This is truly fascinating. If you dig this check the guys channel out (Top Totter) as there is lots moar vintage 70's England stuffs.

So on to Fred Dibnah Episode 4 : Drinking and Climbing !!!


Wikipedia tells me Fred was a mechanical engineer and tv personality

Fred says he like to drink a few pints before climbing the chimneys, The best part is he's climbing these chimneys like 3o storys high with no ropes or safety devices and a Cigarette dangling from his lips...../mind blowing stuff! No riding a Italian bicycle on the weekends for Fred...nope it was pints at the Pub , driving hot rivets into metal and smoking cigs from sun up to sun down....Fred is dead now but he lived to the ripe old age of 66...

I'd recommend watching the video from the start to get a feel for Fred and the aesthtics of the show

if you're short on attention start here and watch him climb the rickety ladder and reach the top with cig in mouth

here Fred "ladders a chimney pt 1 and 2

Yes! Fred Dibnah is widely loved in the UK. His genuine, down-to-earth observations, and knowledge, and love for engineering and architecture and whatnot made him one of our best loved Britons.

His documentaries are wonderful viewing.