Flamencology will not be happy. Not one bit.


Mediocringly Derivative

The tiger is actually kind of cute and very camp.

but the rest is so ugly that I would be afraid anyone knowing i have it. And that defeats the whole point of owning something like this.
I liked the first one better.

The snake thing is truly terrible.

But lol at putting a pic from Beast Master on there as a thirst trap for Boomers.

Also, from the website:

Floyd Scholz: “I’m thrilled by the dynamic balance between the hunter and the hunted. It`s an evolutionary arms race. The power and majesty of the Apex predators in the ocean, land and air have always instilled awe and admiration and have inspired me on every level.”

This is either really funny parody. Or he is definitely a serial killer with bodies in his freezer.