Pine Apple Slim
Armchair Expert
I know its a loaded question with nuances, depends on your amp, your guitar, the setlist, etc. But say given your main preferred amp and guitar and you just wanna pick it up and play, or someone asks you to join them based on your individual personality and sound, what is absolute needed and what isn't?
This is my basic "Me" rig.
Carr Rambler w onboard spring and tremelo
Telecaster(My SG or Falcon would get me there, but just more knobs to fuss with)
low to med gain OD that cleans up with vol knob.
Basic short slap back delay.
(only if needed)- an edgier gain pedal, maybe a phaser, maybe a comp for slide or country picking
With some good tremelo and spring reverb from the amp, thats 3-5 pedals including the tuner and it would all fit on a tiny board and could easily be daisy chained.
To have a bazillion pedals and power supplies is starting to feel real silly when all I really need is a Boss Tuner, Boss OD3, and DM2w delay, with maybe a phaser, Rat or Fuzz, and a basic compressor in reserve, lol.
If you had to bring it down to the essentials and still be "you" what would your rig look like?
This is my basic "Me" rig.
Carr Rambler w onboard spring and tremelo
Telecaster(My SG or Falcon would get me there, but just more knobs to fuss with)
low to med gain OD that cleans up with vol knob.
Basic short slap back delay.
(only if needed)- an edgier gain pedal, maybe a phaser, maybe a comp for slide or country picking
With some good tremelo and spring reverb from the amp, thats 3-5 pedals including the tuner and it would all fit on a tiny board and could easily be daisy chained.
To have a bazillion pedals and power supplies is starting to feel real silly when all I really need is a Boss Tuner, Boss OD3, and DM2w delay, with maybe a phaser, Rat or Fuzz, and a basic compressor in reserve, lol.
If you had to bring it down to the essentials and still be "you" what would your rig look like?
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