Dr Watson Lion Tamer


Stealing Your Riffs
I can't believe it has taken me this long to find out about this product. I have a USA, 60 watt Fender Blues Deville that I bought new in '94. It was either ear piercing loud of anemic sounding stock. I ended up getting a DR Z Airbrake attenuator to tame the beast. The Airbrake served me well for a long time. It's lightweight and works with the typical caveats of an attenuator which affect sound and feel.

Years later, I ended up with a Fryette Power Station PS2 which is both an attenuator and 50 watt reamping device. The PS2 is great with any amp but it's also not light. So, I continued to use the Airbrake for it's ease of portability.

I had heard that a passive volume in the loop of the Fender would work to tame the amp. Yet, somehow, I never believed it would be a good solution. So, I never bothered trying to make or obtain one.

After becoming aware of the Dr Watson Lion Tamer, I watched videos. It seemed to work well and it's such a sleek solution, so I bought one new online. It arrived and I'm happy to say, it works very well as an overall Master Volume for the amp. It feels and sounds great! It tames the beast well.

The effects loop on that amp was designed with rack gear in mind. Pedals in the loop create an impedance mismatch and results in loud noise. So, it's just as well that the loop is finally made useful.

Now, I can sell my Dr Z Airbrake.

Is this just a volume box made specifically for this amp?
Yes. They make them for certain Peavey and Fender amps. I can’t believe it works this well. It works like the master volumes on my other amps.

I have a Peavey and VAC amp that both have master volumes. Now, I have a Fender with a master volume as well. Instant plug-n-play master volume mod.