
I imagine it depends on what facilities are available in your area, but if you have old appliances, what do you do with them?

We tried to donate or fridge and stove and the usual places didn’t want them.
I get that they might not have room or the ability to deal with larger items. So, no issue there. They tend to go in cycles around here - sometimes they’ll take appliances sometimes they won’t. I get it.

So, the next thought was the dump. Seems as though other than pulling the refrigerant out of the fridge, the rest would just go right into land fill.
And they’d charge me to take it all, plus an extra charge for the fridge and it’s a longer drive than the scrap yard.

So, I took our old fridge, stove, dishwasher and some odds and ends to the metal scrapper and they paid me just under $56.

That’ll pay for the install kit that I have to buy for the new dishwasher… just.

So what works best in your area?
I'm lucky to have a handyman (ahem, junk dealer) a few blocks over from my house. He'll take anything. I've gotten rid of treadmills, water heaters, worn out lawn mowers, etc. He fixes them up and sells them somehow. Also here in Nashville we have a pickup service provided by the Sheriffs dept. that uses low risk inmates to grab your old mattresses and the like...doesn't cost a dime.
Our dump has a appliance bin. We have metal buying place 2 miles away I give them a call sometimes to see what they take and how they want it broken down. Sometimes it pays.
Some guy came to our wedding 33 years ago, a friend of wife's parents. He owned a used appliance store. Starting out, we bought from him. Later, when we got a new fridge, stove, etc., I always dropped it off at his store. Not sure if he still owns it or, if he is even still alive. Nobody is there when I drop it off before work, 7:30ish in the morning. I think whoever owns it wants people to drop dead appliances off there because, there are always other appliances sitting outside.
We tend to use our appliances until they die so they don't have any useful life in them for anyone else when they go. Here in the UK, most places having council run recycling centres that take appliances which is what we have used to get rid of them.