Achtung! Do not try to cut into a golf ball with a Dremel tool to see what's inside, I have pieces in my lips


Meatus McPrepuce
I wanted to see what was inside a golf ball so I got my Dremel tool out and put on the sharpest cuting disc I could find, and I gripped the ball with my bare hand which was probably dumb BUT i had a pretty good grip on it and my fingers were out of the way, but I didn't realize there would be so much particulate matter blowback and I was able to close my eyes in time thank goodness but there are hot little pieces of chunks of golf ball everywhere in my hair and it hot melted stuck to my lips
Never try to saw a golf ball to see what is inside. The correct procedure is to lick it 3 times.

We used to do this when I was a kid and we turned out okay.

Every friday'd be the day we got out our old dremel kit to see what was in the golf ball. And we never did figure out what was in it. We figured maybe there was no way of knowing but we never gave up hope. Norman down the street cut his hand one time but he ended up fine; he had to use a hook though.
I wanted to see what was inside a golf ball so I got my Dremel tool out and put on the sharpest cuting disc I could find, and I gripped the ball with my bare hand which was probably dumb BUT i had a pretty good grip on it and my fingers were out of the way, but I didn't realize there would be so much particulate matter blowback and I was able to close my eyes in time thank goodness but there are hot little pieces of chunks of golf ball everywhere in my hair and it hot melted stuck to my lips
I could have told what’s in a gold ball. Btw as you have learned, the core of a golf ball is under 60-80 pounds of compression.
Those little Dremel wire wheels are the worst. You'll be plucking wire splinters from your face for an hour.