Current cast of The Office


Errr.. I mean My Office.

I was shuffling things around and decided to snap pics of the stuff that keeps my hands busy while reading docs and watching webinars.
I find if I don’t occupy my hands, I’ll start doing email and then my brain switches gears.
This stuff keeps me focused. All of the others are in the basement. I should rotate some of these out.



Tell me about that 3 string!
That’s the loog guitar.
This one was a kit that was released for Record Store Day. It was done in collaboration with Jack White and kind of riffs on that video he did way back about building a guitar out of a 2x4.
This of course is more than just a 2x4.The main point being, you can build your own musical instrument and it can sound great.
Normally, A-E-A, but you can play around with a few.

A-D-G will allow easy power chords.
G-B-E allows major chords with standard D chord shape.
E-G-B makes minor chords easy and you get into blues territory. That’s what I have mine tuned to right now.