Car of the Week: 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS 396

[yes, i know. 2 impalas in a row. hey i just post 'em]



Dennis Sherman can laugh about it now. He almost returned his beloved 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS hardtop when it wasn’t delivered as he had ordered it. He admits now that would have probably been one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

“After I ordered it, they called me about a week later and said, ‘You might not get your car.’ I about had a heart attack. They said, ‘They shut off our orders in midstream, and your order might have been in it.’ Well, it finally did come in at the end of August or early September, but wasn’t exactly the way I ordered it. I wanted the 4.11 gearing, because I wanted to go street racing. But the car had a 3.31… So I actually let the car sit on the lot for almost a month. I wanted them to change it out, but they wouldn’t do it.

“It got to the point where they said, ‘You’re taking the car or we will sell it to somebody else.’ So I took it, and it never really worked out for street racing, but it’s been a godsend in a way because everybody else was getting 7, 8 mpg and I was getting maybe 13, 14 with that 3.31, so that probably saved the car for me. That’s probably the reason I still have it.”

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I had a friend in WI with a 1964 Impala SS in black and white. The sheer amount of chrome on that thing was a sight to behold!
The 65 Impala just didn't look the part of a muscle car. You'll see them fixed up sometimes, but I loved all the years up to 64 and the next year they changed. It just looked like a Mom car after that.