Car of the Week: 1943 Ford GPW




he story of my 1943 Ford GPW jeep started on April 30, 2015, when a friend delivered it to Butte, Montana. My wife, Pris, and I had come driven from Spokane, Washington, and we both arrived within ten minutes of each other. Having come up from the south, the jeep was sitting on a trailer. We were ready to take over with our car dolly.

I was very upset, however, when I first saw the jeep. It was much worse than the pictures had depicted. Later, after seeing a photo of the Jeep, a friend remarked, “I don’t see how you can make anything out of that!” What he didn’t know, however, was that parts were available to me, and I have a persistence to follow through on this project...for my wife. Yes, this was going to be a Jeep for her.

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I walked away from a not-too-dissimilar vehicle (closer to the "before" than after) somewhere between Bone, Idaho and the Palisades reservoir on the Idaho/Wyoming border back in the early 80s. I wonder if it's still there?
Years ago you'd see ads for Military Surplus in the back of magazines. It would read "Jeeps for 23 dollars!".
It was just a scam to get you to buy their catalog. I always thought it would be cool to have one, but that's as close as I got.