Car of the Week: 1930 Ford Model AA Truck

[cool old truck :thu: ]








John Shaw is a Wisconsin guy who had plans to restore an old truck of some kind. Never in a million years did he think he’d wind up finding one living quietly in retirement in Southern California some 2,000 miles away.

Somehow, however, Shaw and his venerable 1930 Ford AA dually seem made for each other. Shaw is a salt-of-the-earth kind of guy, and the rugged, no-frills hauler is right up his alley.

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Oh wow a Walton's truck! (From the show) I would love a chance to drive a truck like that or a Model A Ford Car from the 20's or 30's. So freaking awesome. Just look at that and think about when it was made. Think about everything being made at the time and the experimentation. So awesome.
Oh wow a Walton's truck! (From the show) I would love a chance to drive a truck like that or a Model A Ford Car from the 20's or 30's. So freaking awesome. Just look at that and think about when it was made. Think about everything being made at the time and the experimentation. So awesome.

my dad had a 1935 Buick Sedan, while i was in the USAF, and when i'd come home on leave he'd let me drive it around some.
yea.....freakin' awesome :thu:
