Bun E Carlos spills the dirt about his split with Cheap Trick

I can see Bun E. Carlos' point that it's their job, and earning money is important. I can also see Robin Zander's point that family is important, too. Apparently, there was no compromising the two positions.
I saw CT in Orlando in 2013. They still bring a good show. You know you're getting old when you find yourself noting, "Rick is playing through an Orange amp into a 4x12 cab."
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You know you're getting old for just buying tickets to see CT. FIFY.
It was a freebie at a expo I was attending. Free food, free booze, so why not?

Plus, Rick was on the cover of Guitar Player a few months before.
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Not everybody has to be put out to pasture when they reach a certain age...

Just sayin'.......
And if you have seen pics of Zander's wife you know why he likes being at home more now.

According to google images, Pamela Stein was in Playboy back before trimming/shaving. :eek:

If that's what his wife looks like I bet their kid is some weird genetic freak who looks better than any human alive since Zander was always the prettyboy of that band.

Yeah, Carlos comes across as the problem there. Sort of like "why couldn't I have phrased that differently?"

If he'd said "So there's no private schools in Vegas your daughter could go to? What about commute to LA or get a tutor?" instead of going "blah blah woof" it might have gone better.
You guys are missing the point (paraphrasing here):

Bun: "You know, there are schools in Vegas."
Robin: "I don't want my daughter starting school in that cesspool of commercialism, Vegas. She needs to be schooled in the down-home, all-American, old-fashioned values one can only find in LA!"

Robin's kid:

If the story about Zander's daughter is true, then Carlos looks like the douche in that scenario.

Maybe maybe not. I don't know their personal lives, but if the rest of the band had kids earlier and had to put the band first and tour, then why should the band put shows on hold for Zander? They are old dudes, I would guess if the others had kids, they would have done it years ago. Also, I'm not sure why he couldn't do the show, then skip back to LA to take the kid to school, it isn't like LA and Vegas are that far apart.
That was the other thing "50 shows"? Wow. That's a lot in my mind. At their age they could afford to slow down a little.