Best bang for your buck p bass?


Kick Henry Jackassowski
Ended up getting called last minute to sit in on bass with a band this weekend. I don’t consider myself a bassist, but said what the hell because other than informal jams or tracking something simple here and there, I’d never really done it. 1s and 5s baby! Some other friends that were there told me they didn’t know I played bass and offered me another gig. I’m a couple weeks because there regular guy is going to be out of town. So I guess I’m buying bass. Thinking P bass. Any recommendations as far as model types?
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If you were here I'd sell you a decent Squire.

Really though, they're not bad if you're looking for a deal.
Yea the CV Jazz I got on Labor Day sale for $220 is good enough to gig with stock. I love it!

How does the CV Pbass sound in recording? I am thinking of buying a pbass of some type soon. Thinking that solid thump of motown. I want it to be a really good sounding bass without a lot of price to it. Yes, I am cheap.
I recently went Jazz shopping so I didn't play any Ps. Nor did I get the chance to try a Squier.
I tried the Fender Player series, the American Pro II, and the 60s Vintera. I chose a Vintera. The fit and finish was about equal to the Am Pro II as far as I could tell, just had a more vintage feel with the 7.25" fretboard and more vintage pickups. The Pro II felt more modern. The Players series were decent but the necks didnt feel as nice. Not as much attention to detail, esp fretwork.
I say if you got the cash try a Vintera 50s P Bass.
How does the CV Pbass sound in recording? I am thinking of buying a pbass of some type soon. Thinking that solid thump of motown. I want it to be a really good sounding bass without a lot of price to it. Yes, I am cheap.

Be sure to put flatwounds on it for maximum motown.
I’ve actually gone in the opposite direction over the last few years from having flats on nearly everything to just having them on my Hofner…