Bear Spotted In My Neighborhood


Stealing Your Riffs
The pics below are not mine. They were shared on Facebook.

The bear was only two houses away from me in those photos. From the direction the bear was headed, it passed in front of my house just before the pics were taken. At least, it was heading away from us.



this is from about 10 years ago, up at the cabin in the mountains in northwest pennsylvania (Allegheny National Forest). that's my size 11 hunting boot next to it. the print is in the back yard of the camp, about 50 feet behind the cabin. keep in mind, 650 lb. black bears are taken out of that forest every few years. they say the ANF has the largest black bear in the lower 48. :eek:

this is from about 10 years ago, up at the cabin in the mountains in northwest pennsylvania (Allegheny National Forest). that's my size 11 hunting boot next to it. the print is in the back yard of the camp, about 50 feet behind the cabin. keep in mind, 650 lb. black bears are taken out of that forest every few years. they say the ANF has the largest black bear in the lower 48. :eek:

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Luxury! Where I grew up, we used to have to wrestle 3 large bears before breakfast. :bigg:

The bear in those pics from my neighborhood is small and looks young. We get full size black bears, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, deer, fox, etc. Not too far from here there are elk, moose, pronghorn, bison, etc. There is plenty of edible wild meat around here in case the stores are closed.
Luxury! Where I grew up, we used to have to wrestle 3 large bears before breakfast. :bigg:

The bear in those pics from my neighborhood is small and looks young. We get full size black bears, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, deer, fox, etc. Not too far from here there are elk, moose, pronghorn, bison, etc. There is plenty of edible wild meat around here in case the stores are closed.

yea, the ANF is/was an unusual place with respect to animals that are nowhere else around there.
about 50 miles-ish east of the ANF, around St. Mary's is one of the largest free ranging herds of elk in the lower US.
they're up to almost 700 animals in the one herd. they were nearly completely wiped out in the late 40's and then Pa. Game Commission imposed a moratorium on elk hunting and they ENFORCED it. and in the early 80's they began issuing elk licenses again, by lottery. they've done a spectacular job of bringing them back.
i've personally seen 2 cougars while in the woods up there. like 130-140 lb. cats.
unfortunatly, greed politics has allowed massive fracking operations to go on there for the last 25+ years.
the last time i was up there, nearly 10 years ago, i couldn't FIND a deer track, much less pellets.
don'ts see squirrels or hear much in the way of birds, either.
they've drained every inch of water for their fracking slurry and no animals want to be there anymore. :mad:

sorry for the long rant.
lol. Make sure your trash is secured.
I was thinking about something. I bring my garbage cans out to the curb in the dark all the time without thinking about it.

Black bears are spotted in my neighborhood all the time. They locked down my son's school many years ago when a bear was seen near the elementary school. I drove around until I saw it. That bear was big.

My friend used to live a block away. He had bears in his garbage on a regular basis. He finally paid for a bear-resistant metal dumpster. He's still in my town but moved farther away.

I mostly get raccoons in my garbage. I can tell when the odd bear has tipped them over and had its way with my throw aways because of the distance things get dragged apart. Fortunately, my location doesn't get bears as often as my friend's old house.
I was thinking about something. I bring my garbage cans out to the curb in the dark all the time without thinking about it.

Black bears are spotted in my neighborhood all the time. They locked down my son's school many years ago when a bear was seen near the elementary school. I drove around until I saw it. That bear was big.

My friend used to live a block away. He had bears in his garbage on a regular basis. He finally paid for a bear-resistant metal dumpster. He's still in my town but moved farther away.

I mostly get raccoons in my garbage. I can tell when the odd bear has tipped them over and had its way with my throw aways because of the distance things get dragged apart. Fortunately, my location doesn't get bears as often as my friend's old house.
i don't know if this would help with bears, they tend to more aggressive about food than raccoons, but i used to dump some amonia (like bo-peep) around on the garbage bags, and it was pretty effective at keeping them out of the trash.
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We get an occasional bear in our neck of the woods in Southern California. My town is at the foothills of the Santa Monica mountains.
Not very big.

Luckily that police officer was able to shoot it before it harmed a human.
