Aww man... What a bittersweet punch in the gut!...


Funkasaurus Rex
I was thinking about how long many of us knucklehead (and canuck-leheads) have known each other.... I clicked up top on my name, went over to the "About" page and saw a quote from our buddy Peeker.

I searched the forum for the original source of the quote... and was pretty stunned to see it was from 10 years ago.


Peeker and I had known each other since the early 00's in the Comic book and Collectible market and got to meet up in the states on one occasion, and occasionally talked on the phone. Even after I got out of that world and back into music, I knew that his sense of humor would fit in well here... invited him over and he definitely made an impact with some of us during his years here.

R.I.P. Miss ya Peeks.... :dude:
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One might think that Peeker and I were exact opposites, and I guess we were, but he reminded me of my son. We got along nicely. I felt a true loss when I read about his passing.

I think I came here in the early days after some time at HC. You all are family to me; I am the weird grandfather to you. :old: 8th