Addictive Drums 2


Noted duckfat enthusiast
Not a fan after 12 months of ownership. GUI is clunky - doesn't play nice with some DAWs, which means you'll be manipulating scroll handles, a lot.

The controls are ok/not bad, but the routing of the mixing section is unintelligent, and seems like a bad compromise between an attempt at a 'full desk replication' and 'easy peasy.' As a result, more items that you'd perhaps like to tweak on the fly reside off screen.

Support is poor at best. Documentation seems written by someone who is already familiar with the product, which never works because it assumes a level of base knowledge that isn't there for many new users. Worse, the licensing has provided real headaches ("device not recognized - update launcher' > 'launcher update has an issue - ignore or contact support?' > click on 'support' > 404 screen). This is simply anti-customer, a software vendor doing things to protect their copyrights (which I understand) at the expense of users (this is not how to do it, XLN).

The patterns in some of their packs are uninspiring: overly busy, and lots and lots of things that sound very same-y.

In short, after dropping $300 on licensing, I am going to return to a couple of freeware products and a $25 iPad app (DrumPerfect Pro) as far superior to AD2.

I'd suggest avoiding this product.
It comes highly recommended by a few YouTube "influencers"...I do have to admit that the tracks I've heard made with it do sound REALLY good, but I've never been impressed with XLN's user interfaces in my limited exposure to them...