Addiction to chewing toilet paper is a thing.


Kick Henry Jackassowski
WTF. to chewing toilet paper

There are numerous news articles, blog posts, and forum posts on this, and even a woman who had a video story done on her regarding it.

How does one begin to get addicted to chewing and (apparently in some cases) eating toilet paper? I know about "pica," but something like chewing ice seems a lot more logical.

These people are even snobby with their brands.

My preference is Angel Soft double sheets. For whatever reason, I love the way it smells and tastes. I don't care for Charmin but if nothing else is around I will eat that too.
I saw a thing on TV about a woman who was addicted to eating dryer sheets too.
What a world!
No weird compulsion will ever seem more funny and bizarre to me than the guy I saw on TV who freaked the fuck out every time he saw a Chevy El Camino.

But I still don't know how he reacts to seeing a Ford Ranchero.

The suspense is killing me.

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There are worse things than eating toilet paper.

Pica is the consumption of substances with no significant nutritive value such as earth or ice.[1] Subtypes are characterized by the substance eaten for example:
No weird compulsion will ever seem more funny and bizarre to me than the guy I saw on TV who freaked the fuck out every time he saw a Chevy El Camino.

But I still don't know how he reacts to seeing a Ford Ranchero.

The suspense is killing me.

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Locally produced organic is the best...

As long as it is free range ice, you bet.

So the asshole that sits across from me eating his buggers all fucking day can be diagnosed with Mucophagia (consumption of mucus)?
He's still the "booger man" anyway you slice it.
I saw a thing on TV about a woman who was addicted to eating dryer sheets too.
What a world!
My wife would probably like if I did that. My farts wouldn't be so wretched. :embarrassed:

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No weird compulsion will ever seem more funny and bizarre to me than the guy I saw on TV who freaked the fuck out every time he saw a Chevy El Camino.

But I still don't know how he reacts to seeing a Ford Ranchero.

The suspense is killing me.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

Who can really blame him?