Aaaand, I'm off to see Iron Man 2!


weird musical dildo
This is the one bright spot of this entire shitty weekend. I'll report back in about 3 hours! :cheese:
I'm going to see it tomorrow evening. I hope it's fun. I hope I don't walk out wishing I'd gone to see Kick Ass again.
I was thinking of going with Mrs W this weekend...we both liked the first one a bunch...
Just got home, as I went out for some late night entertainment. :facepalm:

I liked it a lot. Me only beef (which I have with a lot of "action" movies) is that they CGI in so much action that sometimes it can hard to see exactly WTF is going on. Without putting in spoilers, the section at the expo was kinda hard to pin onto because so many things were moving and exploding simultaneously.

Other good things:
SHIELD(s) :embarrassed:
Tom Morello contributed a lot to the score
I am not a Scarlett Johansen fan at all, but she makes a pretty good Black Widow and the curves do great with that jump suit. :eek:
Some of the scenes are just really funny, like the Senate Hearings.

I was kinda so-so on Nick Fury. They played him a bit to wise-crackin' for my taste but he definitely gets the job done and is a good addition to the movie.

(Spoiler Alert)

Oh and stick around to the end. It was so good that I had to get hammered.... :wink:
Using the "black" version of Nick Fury is just a stupid idea. Just an excuse to get Sam Jackson in the movie. They put a lot of story lines into the movie, and none of them really got fleshed out very well. But overall it was pretty good I would say. RDJ again put in a great performance as Tony Stark. I definitely wanted Scarlett Johanson too. She put Gwyneth to shame IMO.

And what did you think of the after credits bit?
I'll be seeing it tomorrow night. Friend of mine said it's a big lead in to the 2012 Avengers movie so I'm down with that.