Dig it! A surprise NGD


A fat strat copy by Silverhead (I'm pretty sure it's a local store-brand).
An acquaintance of mine gave it too me as she didn't it touch in a couple of years (still plays on her nylon string guitar).
The guitar looks to be in a pretty good condition - except for some rusted bolts and the pickguard (which according to her was white when it was new) it almost looks new.
The neck feels kinda nice from first impressions.
The fingerboard radius seems/feels quite flat.
The high E kinda sounds like a sitar if plucked while open.
The strings are apparently 11's and also feel almost new (they've been on the guitar for a couple of years, but hardly played and most of the time in a case).
The volume knob placement still feels weird, I wonder how it'll feel after some time.



Thanks everyone :banana:

My generous friendquaintance isn't a proficient re-stringer.
Stretching the low E made it drop down to the point where it made no audible frequency

Let us.

I had to raise the volume on my amp quite a bit from my usual LP/SG settings, even for the bridge HB.

Maybe better wiring or even something as cheap as a pre-wired sub-$100 Dragonforce HSS set might help that.