32 Of Your Childhood Toys That Are Worth An Absolute Fortune Now

I had a great collection of Hot Wheels, but I left them at home when I went off to college -- who takes Hot Wheels to college? -- and my parents gave them all away.
I did too. My mom made me give them away. I took good care of those things. They'd be worth a fortune now.
BTW, the toys listed are the toys my kids had. May even have some still but they are in used condition.
I had none of those. I DID have one of these and it was my favorite toy ever. My parents gave it away when we moved to California and I never forgave them for it: :mad:

Coolest Toy Ever - Mattel SPACE: 1999 Eagle 1

On Christmas morning 1976, I received one of the greatest gifts of my entire childhood. Better even than my Star Trek and Planet of The Apes Mego figures. It was Mattel's two-foot longEagle Transporter playset from Space: 1999.

This thing was a monster and came with small action figures of Moonbase Alpha's John Koenig, Helena Russell and Victor Bergman in their bright orange space suits. There were also tiny accessories like little laser guns, helmets and other bits of exploratory equipment. The cockpit opened and could hold two figures, and the passenger compartment was large enough to reach in and move them around. There was even a hatch in the bottom with a working winch!

The nose section and red engine section were detachable and could even be joined together to make a small reconnaissance craft. It was, without a doubt, the coolest spaceship toy ever.

Sadly, this is not a photo of my Eagle (I wish!) - all that remains of the one I received all those decades ago is the main chassis and nothing else; all the other parts having been lost or destroyed through years of dangerous space missions to the alien planets of my backyard. Oh, the perils I used to subject that tiny crew of Alphans to!

Obviously, I got an awful lot of fun out of that thing, and if my fortunes ever turn around, I'd love to hunt down an intact one one day.

Of course, I later had the Eagle (and Hawk fighter) model kits, and they were cool, too, but once built, there really wasn't much you could do with the ships other than display them. That didn't actually stop me from playing with mine, though... which is why they no longer survive!

I had that too! I was racing through your description to see if you mentioned how the cockpit and engine could be joined. *fist bump*
My daughter had all that 90's stuff. She gave all of her pokemon cards to my sons. Ha we'll see ifv it's worth anything even near what those jerks are asking. Not likely.
I wish I still had this…

Here's one I had, the Mattel Strange Change Machine. It was actually pretty crappy, but it was my crappy.
Sell them now and parents would sue Mattel for burning their ignored and unattended kids.


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Here's one I had, the Mattel Strange Change Machine. It was actually pretty crappy, but it was my crappy.
Sell them now and parents would sue Mattel for burning their ignored and unattended kids.



Ha ha, I had one of those too. Crunch them up into little cubes while they were still just warm, then heat them back up and watch 'em expand. Hours of fun.

Another was Creepy Crawlers, remember them? Came with bottles of colored liquid plastic that you would pour into metal molds then bake in an unprotected, open faced oven contraption. We burned ourselves all the time and never sued anybody. OTOH, we did learn to respect electricity and heating elements. :shrug:


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Ha ha, I had one of those too. Crunch them up into little cubes while they were still just warm, then heat them back up and watch 'em expand. Hours of fun.

Another was Creepy Crawlers, remember them? Came with bottles of colored liquid plastic that you would pour into metal molds then bake in an unprotected, open faced oven contraption. We burned ourselves all the time and never sued anybody. OTOH, we did learn to respect electricity and heating elements. :shrug:



Creepy Crawlers! I loved that when I was a kid. The heated surface of the Thing Maker tray was always disgusting because we'd spit on it and watch it boil.

I also had a fancy version that could make wind-up monsters, like a ghoul that pulled his head off while he walked. I think it was from a different company though... maybe Marx?
Creepy Crawlers! I had one of those, and remember it well! The heated part got to approximately the same temperature as the surface of the sun. Nasty burns awaited if you didn't maintain diligence.

Great life lesson: Great fun usually lies just this side of pain.
My middle neice (the one I took to see Fall Out Boy years ago) still has some Furbies, I think.

I wonder if she still wants them... :quag:
Ha ha, I had one of those too. Crunch them up into little cubes while they were still just warm, then heat them back up and watch 'em expand. Hours of fun.

Another was Creepy Crawlers, remember them? Came with bottles of colored liquid plastic that you would pour into metal molds then bake in an unprotected, open faced oven contraption. We burned ourselves all the time and never sued anybody. OTOH, we did learn to respect electricity and heating elements. :shrug:



Had one of those also. Anyone remember these? Loved me some Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots.


Also loved playing with Mousetrap!

Yeah, those prices remind me of the ridiculous prices that were rumored for Beanie Babies 10 yrs ago or so. Ironically, the $0.99 price listed for them on that page sounded about right.
I was in high school, working part time, at KMart around the time Teddy Ruxpin came out...."someone" came in early one Saturday morning and replaced the cassette tape in the display Teddy w/ Slayer's Reign In Blood. It was absolutely fricking hilarious to see the reactions when Angel of Death kicked in.
Space 1999 Eagle? Rock Em Sock Em Robots? Luxury!

When I were a lad our dad used to beat us with one of these. And we we were grateful!


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