1860's painting depicts time traveler using iPhone


Dogue in teh desert

Above is "The Expected One," painted by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller c. 1860. While Gerald Weinpolter, CEO of the art agency austrian-paintings.at, insisted to Vice that the painting depicts a woman "off to church holding a little prayer book in her hands," we all know she's actually a time traveler playing with her iPhone 12.

The real story is, the guy behind the bush is going to jump out at her. She will be startled and jump back losing her footing and tumbling down the cliff to her death.
It also has a witch flying by on her broomstick in the background. My guess is she's the time traveler, dropped her cell phone, and it was found by the native American...who appears to be about to take a bath with some bottles of unidentified moonshine.