GPOTD 10.15.13


weird musical dildo









ToneSmith 320 Custom Solid Body

You should buy this one of a kind Tonesmith 320 solid body electric guitar from me. "how is it one of a kind?", you ask. Let me answer your question with some questions for you;

1. Have you ever seen or played a solid body Tonesmith? No? Thats what I thought.

2. Do you like Mumford & Sons? Yes? Well, this guitar was used on a song that was immediately before a Mumford and Sons song on a certain local radio stations sampler CD a couple years ago, so it's practically a Mumford and Sons signature series guitar. Oh, You don't like Mumford and Sons? I don't either. They don't even play electric guitars, and they certainly wouldn't be worthy to play this one.

In addition to the album mentioned above, I've have used this guitar on 4 records and played it at many shows, and now its only right to share the love with you as you chase your foolish dreams of making it big in the music business. When you grow weary of busting your ass playing gigs on tuesday nights for 12 people (including 4 of your relatives), this could be the guitar that you turn to and write your big hit with. Then you'll thank me for offering to sell you this guitar.

Wait, you are already a successful musician? Of course you are, otherwise you'd be searching craigslist for used ikea furniture rather than here for professional instruments. Here are your instructions: Put your tablet down, reach into the seat cushions of your band van or tour bus to grab that extra 1k you dropped after the show last night, and head over to my place to complete this transaction.

If you're still reading this and want more information on the guitar, I can tell you that it has 2 custom mini humbuckers in the neck and bridge position and a lipstick pickup in the middle. The 6 way switch allows for a nice variety of tones to create those hit songs you are working on. It comes with the original hard shell case, and has all 6 strings installed on the guitar, which I can throw in for free if you act now.

Don't have cash, but have lots of awesome gear sitting around? Offer me a trade... I probably wont accept it, but you never know. Hint - I am a hack of a musician and only play guitar, so keyboards, keytars, drums, bass rigs, etc will be ineffective bartering chips.

Bottom line: You need this.

$1000 OBO
Honestly, at first glance I thought it was the worst thing I've ever seen. After looking at multiple pics I must admit that if I saw it in the used section at GC I'd have to try it.
Honestly, at first glance I thought it was the worst thing I've ever seen. After looking at multiple pics I must admit that if I saw it in the used section at GC I'd have to try it.

This exactly. I want to hate it - but I don't.
It doesn't get any better for me the second time around. I might take it off the wall and play it, just out of curiosity, but it would never go home with me.
I like a few things about it, but would want to change more things than would be practical.
I don't know why I like it.

The guy is pretty funny
Do you like Mumford & Sons? Yes? Well, this guitar was used on a song that was immediately before a Mumford and Sons song on a certain local radio stations sampler CD a couple years ago, so it's practically a Mumford and Sons signature series guitar. Oh, You don't like Mumford and Sons? I don't either. They don't even play electric guitars, and they certainly wouldn't be worthy to play this one