
  1. dodgechargerfan

    Time to take my medicine

    https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2009/11/time-for-a-drink-penicillin-cocktail.html Just opened this bottle and... Mah cork done broke. This is what happens when you don’t drink enough. Corks dry out. They break. It takes too long to get to your medicine. You get sick and die. This...
  2. dodgechargerfan

    Making it official

    I just ordered a custome label for my whisky. So, now when I grab it, the "Administrative Duty" will be duly noted and official.
  3. dodgechargerfan

    Worlds collide

    Whisky and apple flavoured bacon Our flavourful bacon is made with specially handcrafted Canadian Whisky distilled on Cape Breton Island and blended with a hint of apple.
  4. jaxn slim

    We haven't discussed whiskey here in a while...

    What's everyone into these days? I've been drinking a fair bit of Stagg Jr, Elmer T Lee, and Forged Oak. They're not easy to find lately, so my hoarding tendencies are paying off for once.