
  1. dodgechargerfan

    Current cast of The Office

    Errr.. I mean My Office. I was shuffling things around and decided to snap pics of the stuff that keeps my hands busy while reading docs and watching webinars. I find if I don’t occupy my hands, I’ll start doing email and then my brain switches gears. This stuff keeps me focused. All of the...
  2. dodgechargerfan

    Dig it! $43.50 Auction special

    I managed to get out to the auction house yesterday and pick up the broken neck guitar. I actually was bidding on this in a prior auction but it got too high for my interest level. Seems that it got refused by the previous winner because of the broken neck and here it is. That guff on the...
  3. GDSmithTX

    Donner Yellow Fall

    Bought this little guy on sale for $24 a couple of weeks ago, but only opened it up and plugged it in last night. Very nice classic-style delay; there's a lot of analog sweetness coming out of this ridiculously small 1" x 1" x 3" package. Adds no noise to the signal chain that I can hear, even...