I hadn’t posted any pics of our boys since Christmas and New Years because we had quite a scare!
Because of the Terror event that kept us in New Orleans an extra day, our every-other day cat sitter hadn’t been there for 48 hours when we got home and the electric pump in their water dish was clogged and screaming like a smoke alarm!!
Our black bombay, Nash, is extremey scared of noises and other people so once he came out from under the bed, we noticed he was very thin like he hadn’t been eating and his fur didn’t look well either, like he was sick or malnurished.
Took him to the vet for a full day of blood work and X-rays to make sure he hadn’t swallowed a ribbon, was backed up, or having kidney failure.
They didn’t find anything glaring and gave him some anti-nausea meds. He slept on my lap every evening and would drink water but showed zero interest in food, even kitten food… this went on for FOUR more days after the vet, so possibly a week without eating.
I couldn’t find him one evening when I got up in the middle of the night to pee… and then I tossed and turned the rest of the night thinking I was going to find his body the next day…. But alarm went off, and VOOP.. he was in my face and purring like nothing had happened.
He is still sleeping on my lap every evening like “thank you for believing in me”.