The Crusher
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  • So a bunch of touring comedians were in town and one asked people in the audience what they did for a living. When he heard what I did he struck a pose imagining me saying to a prisoner: "Sucks to be you!"
    She was doing a post doc in pain management and told me to come out. I got a post doc position, but my first weekend out met the woman I married and who is now divorcing me. I have been out here for about 21 years. Corrections Officers are a very mixed bunch. A good number are decent and professional. The assholes do a LOT of harm.

    Steve Lifson 989 400-9254
    The state was going to close the hospital so I got another job, which ended. Then another job, that ended. A friend of mine said that when I went to interview at a place I should wear a black cape. Same friend (another one from my internship) went to Mt. Pleasant with her husband who got on the faculty at CMU.
    Lived in Logan, Utah for a bunch of years and went on internship at the VA in Buffalo NY and figured out that my dissertation was not going to write itself. Went back to Logan and finished the damn thing. Got a job in a state hospital in western NY and got my hours toward my license and passed the exam.
    I'm from long Island New York. I haven't been back there for a really long time! I have been in school (Post high school) in a few places: SUNY Albany for my BA in psych, Teachers College for my Masters in Counseling and a year off working in NYC before I got in a PhD program.
    Where are you at in Michigan? I am in Mt. Pleasant.
    The Crusher
    The Crusher
    There did that fix it? That is funny, I used to get the same thing. But I honestly treated them with respect as it wasn't my job to judge them. That is the job of the guy that wears the robe. My job is to make sure that they have food, water, meds, visit, warmth, and safety.
    The Crusher
    The Crusher
    But if they disrespected me or tried to pull some shithead move on me, then I was not a nice guy. I broke up plenty of fights and more than one guy left his Bob Barkers right where he was standing as I clean and jerked him right out of them and threw him out the door, while I screamed at the other guy to get on his face......Inmates liked me, but respected me.
    The Crusher
    The Crusher
    I hated some of the other Deputys that would tell an inmate that they would do something for them and then not do it, just to screw with them. I always did what I said I would do, but always gave them a straight answer. Nothing pissed me off more than other guys screwing with the inmates.
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