Zika virus.

I am amazed this virus "calamity" didn't further fuck up the stock market somehow. Everything else seems to.....

Probably because the big South American economies were already going down the shitter anyway. Investors won’t freak out unless Zika turns up in China.
I get to be on the local TV news on Monday to discuss research programs on Zika virus.

I should mention the whole thing was created by the CIA and Monsanto to spread the hidden agenda of the Freemasons.

I think this is a pretty good yardstick to determine that we have reached maximum hype.


Not a word about aliens.

I knew you were an agent for them. Deflecting negative news to anything and everything but the true cause - aliens.

And Godzilla.
We need to get more aggressive with finding cures and stop making careers out of research.

We don't have cures for lots of things as they are pretty fucking complicated, not because of a lack of serious effort.

If you don't have people who have careers in research, who is going to find the cures?
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We need to get more aggressive with finding cures and stop making careers out of research.

Right, we'll just cure everything with acupuncture and herbalism. Modern medicine was great before research. Except for polio. And smallpox. And tiny skin cancers causing your face to rot off so an opportunistic infection could finish you.
My favorite tin foil hat theory is that Zika was originally spread by genetically modified mosquitos released in Brazil.
Yeah, that is some crazy shit. Someone sent me some crazy ass article about how Zika was invented by Rockefeller University (where I used to work) and patented and sold to two companies, LGC and ATCC, who are behind the current release. Both of those companies are national repositories of biological materials. LGC is part of the U.K. Government. The sure do list Zika Uganda on their we page, but that just means it is available for scientists with proper licenses and such to order for research, not something you can buy on Amazon or a product they made to release.
Everything has to be a conspiracy. An exotic flavivirus infects a million or so people and it has to be some evil conspiracy. The related Dengue infects hundreds of millions of people a year...like 4oo million. No one seems to even care about that virus. Yellow fever virus likely killed even more than these two viruses ever even infected
Of course Zika was released in Brazil by corporations. If you’re trying to make money it makes total sense to target a poor country with a tanking economy, a government on the edge of collapse, and oligarchs who don’t give a shit about the poor.
Of course Zika was released in Brazil by corporations. If you’re trying to make money it makes total sense to target a poor country with a tanking economy, a government on the edge of collapse, and oligarchs who don’t give a shit about the poor.

Well that's where they could get away with human testing. Obviously. :tinfoil:
Sounds like what we need is a cure for mosquitoes.
I'm starting to see Facebook posts about how big pharma and government and blah blah blah.

I haven't done facebook regularly in like 8 months and I'm happier without it. But a friend sent me a link last week to a facebook post about a Brazilian wasp whose venom attacks two specific types of cancer cells and leaves normal cells alone. I made the error of reading the comments: what a cesspool of paranoid, fact-bereft, anti-science loudmouths. Literally 1 out of every 30 posts was someone saying something sensible; the rest was rancid verbal diarrhea.
Dengue is a much more serious relative of Zika. People infected with dengue who were previously infected with a different strain in dengue can develop deadly heomoraghic fever. Even the first time around isn't good. We have Dengue in south Florida now as well...but not as bad as Hawaii

I'm the guy in the lab coat doing all the talking....

Please do not use this information to track down my address/phone number to screw with me for fun. I work with lots of regulated things, and the people who regulate them have no sense of humor. Things you may think are funny have to be reported by law and likely would investigated as serious potential threats. So please, play nice and just fuck with me here. That is still ok.
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I'd dig seein' it!

Ok, I undeleted the previous post with the link.

I also added a cautionary link not to screw around with my work stuff, as it all has to get reported to the federal govt agencies in charge of restricted access pathogens, and from them it probably goes to federal law enforcement. So, please, you adorable knuckleheads, don't open up that madness on all of us.

I'm not directing this to anyone in particular, and certainly not Yabba.