Your longest-held possesion


black sheep
Do you know what it is? I had to think about it for a minute.

My Grandmother gave this to me when I was 6, 50 years ago.
I've had a Tonka road grader since I was about 4 or 5 years old.

My aunt and uncle gave it to me when we met them at the airport when they had a layover. That was my first memory of my aunt and the only memory of my uncle. I never did meet him again. My aunt gave me his gavel a few years ago. He was a provincial superior court judge.
i have a silver baby spoon that was bought when i was born. and a pair of baby shoes from my first year. and a baby book that notes my first, well, everything.
i have some baby pics from shortly after i came home from the hospital.
now, if we're talking about something you have that's been in the family for a long time. then my grandmother's 'gone with the wind' lamp. she gave it to me.
it was given to her as a wedding gift by her mother. and it was given to her mother when she was married. so about the time of the real gone with the wind. so.....1860-ish.
I'm going to have to ponder that one.....

My mother gave back to my wife a Christmas ornament which was a red thumbprint with antlers and eyes and a nose drawn on it I made when I was like 5 years should show up sometime soon, actually......that would be from '75 or so.
I wanted to say my Les Paul Custom, which I bought when I was 16. But, it's my baseball glove that my dad gave me for my 13th birthday. It's a Wilson A2000 and I know exactly where it is.

Edit: actually, it's a plaster hand print thing that I made when I was five. I know we have it somewhere... I think it's packed away in a box.
Not too sure, but other than a silver dollar my Grandmother gave me as a very small child, it's probably my 1985 MIJ Contemporary Telecaster that I bought in 1986...
Probably a set of O gauge model trains - my uncle passed them down to me when I was 5 or 6 and he must have gotten them in the early 50's.
There's still a bunch of stuff at my mom's house from when I was a kid.

Most of the stuff at my house has been acquired in the last 15 years or so.

I know at my mom's house, there's a stuffed dog that my great grandmother gave me when I was about 5 years old. I don't know how old the stuffed dog is, but I'd bet that my mother played with it when she was a kid, and my grandmother might have as well.