You simply need to ask


Mediocringly Derivative
As mentioned in another thread, I'm in the market for a tuner. A very nice gentleman from Sweetwater has been bugging me for quite some time for my business. He almost made a sale a few months ago on a bass, but I bought my Reverend instead. A tuner isn't a $650 bass, but it's something. He asked for my business and he got it.

In making the transaction, I asked him to honor another company's 15% off code. He did. I now have a TC Polytune Mini coming to me for $76 instead of the typical $90.

Ask for a discount. You'll probably get it.
Way cool. I'm gas'ing for a Mesa Express Plus amp and I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy it from Sweetwater. I'm pretty sure Mesas are price locked but I'll buy some accessories too