Who am I and what have I done with myself?

Buddhists have a saying: "You don't own your possessions, your possessions own you." Truer words have never been spoken.
I don't remember the most I ever had at one time, but it couldn't have been more than 10. I went with only having 1 for about 10 years to now having 3 guitars and 1 bass (not counting the Ibanez Mikro I bought for my daughter) and whenever the neck arrives, I will have a baritone. I am back up to 2 amps thought and I probably should get a new bass head. That one may have bit the dust during Barn Storm. It was flaking out for a while before.
Considering that the guy highlighted about $40,000 worth of guitars and amps right there, he'd almost have to be Jack Black to afford it, I think.

I know that Black has been the speculation and many have said it is not him. FWIW though, I believe it is him. The inflections in his voice, attitude and as you mentioned $40K of gear - that is my conclusion.