What the hell was that??


spaghetti and blankets
Ever hear sounds that no one else around you can hear?....no, not the voices in your head...actual sounds? I don't have the greatest hearing but there are certain frequencies that I just seem to key into. Today there was this constant sound like someone blowing one of those vuvuzela horns. All morning long. No one else at work could hear it & they all thought I was nuts.

did you hear that??
you can't??
what about that??
....blank stares

Turns out a contractor was sanding the other side of the furthest wall , next door w/ an orbital sander and I was hearing the resonant vibrations of the sander against the wall. Vindication!
all the time. i can actually hear flourescent lights, on occasion. and traffic lights too. real high pitched squeal sound.
Our power went out this morning (transformer onsite somewhere), and the generators kicked on. They're huge, and noisy. Several of us walked outside, and no one could hear the fire dept sirens over the gens except for me and another co worker, who is a bass player.
I used to be able to. now I'm blissfully ignorant thanks to years of hearing damage!
All the time, I hear those ultrasound weasel repellent things people install in their engine compartments over here. Nobody else hears it and thinks I'm full of shit when I say that it drives me nuts.