What happens to us when we die?

Linkedin keeps sending us updates.
Oh, now you've done it! Don't get me started on those motherfuckers.

I spent 45 minutes the other night carefully navigating their stupid obstacle course of a website, trying to once and for all end the mind boggling torrent of emails I get from them.

After much searching and swearing, I managed to uncheck every box for email notifications. I also finally managed to "unfollow" some asshat named Bob Grant, whom I don't know, and could not possibly fucking care less about reading daily updates from.

Today I got two (so far) emails from those bastards, one of which was an update on Bob fucking Grant, and both were supposedly options that I turned off notifications for.

Fuck LinkedIn in their stupid fucking meathead face.

I should have never signed up for that useless piece of shit.

If I ever have a legitimate psychotic break, their corporate offices are just a few short hours up the road. Shits gonna get real!

(I am joking about that last part, relax).
At work in the Employee Relations Act it states that if you die you most bring in your death certificate or you will be terminated for no call/no show.
