This should be fun...."In search of the click track"

Not quite sure what this is about....

Typed in Tom Petty and It's Good To Be King.....
In Search of the Click Track
artist track
BPM Deviation
[No canvas support]
Time in seconds
Machine score is 43%
Longest run of machine-like drumming is 61 beats (3%)
Tempo:139 BPM Total beats:1673
Instructions: Use this application to look at tempo plots for any song to see which bands have a machine controlling the heartbeat of the band. Type in the name of an artist and/or track and get a click plot of the track. If a machine is setting the beat for the song, the click plot will show only small deviations from the average tempo. A flat line means a machine is setting the beat. A machine score of above 90% probably means a machine is setting the beat. Likewise, long runs of machine-like drumming are indicative of the use of a click track or a machine to set the beat. For more info see this post in Music Machinery: In search of the click track (revisited)
Be sure to check out the Gallery of Drummers
That looks pretty solid:

Screen Shot 2014-10-20 at 6.18.39 PM.png
wow, very cool site find
I've always felt that Subdivisions had a kind of Rubato effect at the end, slowing slightly, getting bigger at the end, where all those practically legendary drum fills are. I feel that it may not always be on purpose, but it's better that it is like that.
The meter need not be static. Eg:

Genesis-Dancing with the moonlit knight. The meter ascends like that for a reason- the songs arrangement demands it.

Kind of a simplistic example though- I'd like to see a really great example of variable ( multiple ) tempos within a song.
When it's in the 90th percentile it's most likely played to a click/sequence. When it's a flat line it's a machine/edited/quantized. +/- 3 BPM over a few minutes is still rather good, and like a few people said some BPM deviation can give a song some interesting rhythmic energy.

Lars though :lol:
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