This is what the Internet actually looks like: The undersea cables wiring the Earth

There was a really good episode of Mighty Ships that showed the process. They laid the leg of cabling that connects to Costa Rica in this picture:

I can't begin to "fathom" the engineering it takes to place a giant cable at the bottom of the ocean.

There's nothing to it.

1. Just get a really, really big spool of fiber optic cable and load it on a cable ship like this:


2. Then you place a sign at each end where the cable comes ashore.


3. ???

4. Profit.
There's nothing to it.

1. Just get a really, really big spool of fiber optic cable and load it on a cable ship like this:


2. Then you place a sign at each end where the cable comes ashore.


3. ???

4. Profit.
so it's not buried then? Just sitting on top?
so it's not buried then? Just sitting on top?

Not buried. The cable just lays on the bottom of the ocean. I believe they bury the cable in shallower waters close to shore, but I'm not 100% certain about that (the cables are sometimes caught by fishing trollers, which can cause outages, so that leads me to think the cables are not buried close to shore either) I have a friend who works in telecom with a major intl telco. He would know the answer to this question.
what's really amazing, is that the first cables laid between the US and the UK/Europe, back before and during WWII......are STILL in operation today. :i:
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Note to anyone buying bandwidth on a sub-sea cable. Bite the bullet and pay for the protected path. Otherwise be prepared for frequent and extended outages.

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