The new most interesting man in the world


Isn't interesting at all.


One time, I installed carpet for...

I'm working in the living room, the lady is in the kitchen with her friend. They are talking to me about the theater she and her husband just bought. ( Was the Towne Cinnema, an old movie theater, I saw Polyester there back in high school, in Smell-O-vision, complete with scratch and sniff cards. She is remodeling it, for plays, sometimes live music. I have since learned, place has horrible acoustics. No band has ever sounded good there but, I digress.)

I also learn she is a cancer survivor.

Doorbell rings. A very attractive teenage girl comes in. Girl is the current Miss Teenage Kankakee County. She has come for tips and advice from lady. At this point, I find out lady is the current Mrs. Illinois.

I blurt out, "You are a fascinating woman." Why I couldn't say fascinating PERSON instead of fascinating woman, I don't know, I guess I was thinking she is the female version of the "most interesting man in the world". Her friend lets out a howl, followed by, "The carpet installer has a crush on you". I turned bright red and just want to die.
To bring it all full circle......

My daughter (who lives out in L.A.) worked for a company that represented the original Most Interesting Man in the World.

She WAS the MIMITW on Facebook.

Meaning, if you asked the MIMITW a question on Facebook, and he responded, that was her.

She was also Barbie (as in the Barbie Doll) on Facebook for a while.

I remember her telling me that in real life he is a goat farmer out in rural VT.
Found that pretty interesting.