The correct way to reheat pizza?

Hmm. Reverend1 is in cahoots with Pizza Rat.

I just don't enjoy reheated pizza. It's never the same as a nice freshly made pie. I never reheat pizza, anything left over goes into the trash. I only order pizza once every few months anyway, so I want to enjoy it.
I just don't enjoy reheated pizza. It's never the same as a nice freshly made pie. I never reheat pizza, anything left over goes into the trash. I only order pizza once every few months anyway, so I want to enjoy it.

I can respect that.

I'm just sayin', the more pizza in the trash, the happier Pizza Rat gets. :wink:
toaster over is fine

I usually preheat an over for five or so mins around 350-400 WITH a baking/cookie sheet in the oven. Once heated, I drop the slices on the sheet for about 5 minutes or until the cheese is back to melted and hot. This prevents the crust from sogging out or getting too crispy from the toaster oven elements.

It's really whatever works from you...using a nuker is heresy.
I just don't enjoy reheated pizza. It's never the same as a nice freshly made pie. I never reheat pizza, anything left over goes into the trash. I only order pizza once every few months anyway, so I want to enjoy it.

There's a charm to reheated toaster oven pizza, when the cheese is bubbling properly. The trick is putting leftover pizza in the freezer. The fridge dries out the crust too much overnight. At least the freezer keeps the water on the surface.
There is something special about a cold slice of fact I wrote a poem about it...and ode to pizza if you will....

Cold Pizza

Pizza, once warm
the hours pass,
half past midnight, feels right...cold pizza
woke this morning, no time in sight
cold pizza alright

Yesterday was warm
today is cold
like black and white
the tao is right
cold pizza tonight

Royal Helle hated cold pizza. *spits*
There's a charm to reheated toaster oven pizza, when the cheese is bubbling properly. The trick is putting leftover pizza in the freezer. The fridge dries out the crust too much overnight. At least the freezer keeps the water on the surface.
Truth,you never should put any bready thing in the fridge. Freezer is the way to go.
1) cold

2) microwave inside a ziplock bag for no more than 00:30/slice. Does NOT fuck up the crust.

3) wrapped in aluminum foil and tossed on the intake manifold for ~20 miles/minutes
Never a microwave, makes it soggy.

Not a toaser oven, a toaster. You need one with one long slot, not two normal size slots.
A covered dry black iron pan works well too.

A black iron pan can do so many things.