

Mediocringly Derivative
The Portable Forest took a step forward tonight.

We've been playing together for a few years now. All originals, no pressure. back in '13, I got fussy and wanted to kick the band in the ass. So I joined another band on bass and had a lot of fun. It was a 4 piece power pop band called The Stand-Ins. Then last year, both bands got their act together and I had a lot of fun playing out for the first time in years. But at the end of the year my son was born and I had to choose one band. I chose The Portable Forest.

Apparently the Stand-Ins haven't played since I left. I feel bad about that, but it is what it is. I've been talking with the singer, and tonight he joined The Portable Forest, taking over vocals from yours truly and changing us from a trio to a quartet.

I would have liked to continue singing lead, but I've come to the realization that my voice is not nearly what it once was. The practice work I would need to put in vocally just can't be done in an apartment. So now we get the singer the songs deserve and I can spend my time learning how to actually build and play a solo. I'll still sing backup to scratch that itch and I can always play open mics and whatnot if I really want to.

I'm sure the songs will change. They'll change for our next gig on May 1 in Manhattan. And they'll likely change beyond that. Should be fun.
Thanks guys. Everyone seems happy with last night and we're back next week, so we'll see how it goes.
That had to a tough decision to give up the vocals though.
It is. But familiarity and an easy band dynamic made it work. And if it goes bad, well then we revert and continue doing what we were.
We had our second rehearsal with the new singer tonight. Overall, it's a massive improvement and we haven't even gotten to changing the arrangements. My guitar solos are starting to come together. The backing vocals will get better. And he's not only a much better singer than I am, but he has a sense of counterpoint that I don't.

To his credit, my bassist has been pushing me to make this happen for about two years. But nobody was looking for another band member in earnest. I just happened to find the right guy. Pretty cool.