Mojo Request Stress


Unholy Meat Obelisk
Home with severe stress and anxiety.

Big chance of losing my job in combination with massive debts to pay off has driven my anxiety to the limit.

Woke up this morning not being able to face the day, even the prospect of calling work was too much.

Seeing my doc on thursday. Ugh, I hate the holiday season
Fuck man... mojo.

Any particular reason you might lose your job or just general lay-offs and you're the one getting fucked this round?
Much mojo. My depression and stress nearly did me in 25 years ago. There are some cognitive and behavioral techniques you can work on, and medication can help. In the meantime, remember that you can only do what you can do; after that, worry doesn't resolve anything. Easy to say, but difficult to put into practice. I will keep you in my thoughts.
Hugs and mojo

and this

(I "know" anxiety is the the same as feeling down, but still)

I'm sorry, what was this thread about again? I'm a bit, um, distracted. :eek:

That really sucks, wok. I hope nothing happens. Take it one day, or even hour at a time.
Most of the things we worry about never happen.

I'm coming up on 2 years being laid off and out of my career, plus 8 days since we had any money in our banking account, so I'm all too familiar with stress.
Fuck man... mojo.

Any particular reason you might lose your job or just general lay-offs and you're the one getting fucked this round?

May get sacked. I messed up royally at my job. I have long-term anxiety issues and one of the unfortunate symptoms is that I seem to compulsively lie about even the most trivial stuff, it’s like it’s a defense mechanism kicking in I can’t control. It spectacularly exploded in my face.

It’s like last summer’s romantic disaster all over again

This of course made my anxiety much worse. I feel pretty low at the moment.

The boobs ^ helped though :lol:
Mojo. Are you on medication for your anxiety?

Yes, I have been on a low dosage of SSRI for years. I haven’t really had any panic attacks since and they have helped me immensely, but still I seem to push the self-destruct button occasionally.
Remember, depression is just anger without enthusiasm.:)

Just trying to add some levity. Take care of yourself man.
Remember, depression is just anger without enthusiasm.:)

Just trying to add some levity. Take care of yourself man.

Thanks :)

I have to say though: I am not depressed, I am just stressed out, on a constant high level of anxiety. I just feel utterly exhausted yet restless at the same time.
May get sacked. I messed up royally at my job. I have long-term anxiety issues and one of the unfortunate symptoms is that I seem to compulsively lie about even the most trivial stuff, it’s like it’s a defense mechanism kicking in I can’t control. It spectacularly exploded in my face.

It’s like last summer’s romantic disaster all over again

This of course made my anxiety much worse. I feel pretty low at the moment.

The boobs ^ helped though :lol:

Ah feck :( Let's hope they give you a chance to redeem yourself. Good luck man, sounds like some proper annoying shit to have to deal with. Thing that I hate most about my depression attacks is my own frustration with not being able to deal with that shit and screwing up other stuff because of it, creating a fuck-up cascade.

I hope you get some help out of therapy. It didn't do much for me, but it's never a bad thing to be forced to talk to people about your issues, not just when you're down in the dumps, but also when you think you're fine.

Tons of mojo.
If you lose the job talk to a disability lawyer. They may not be able to fire you for behavior caused by a disability/medical condition.