Mojo Request snaggle tooth


American Greaser
I just broke an upper front tooth last night. It doesn't hurt but it looks like hell. It'll probably take some time to get a cap fitted.

I already have a partial for the other top front tooth that was knocked out years ago. I'm a mess.
exit, stage left.

So I was sitting in the dentist chair yesterday. The dentist was somewhere outside my line of sight looking at my x-rays when I hear him shout "oh fuck!".

My teeth are a disaster area. :(

I still have two more appointments to get my gap tooth filled.
Mojo. I spent several high end guitar's worth of cash on crowns and such this past year. The pain sucks, and the cost makes it even worse.
Mojo sent, I hate going to the dentist. I hate needles, so I get everything done without getting a shot. I have a bunch of fillings, the biggest issue is that they have a really difficult time getting the left side of my mouth numb, so they jack up the dosage and if or when I do get numb, it is for 24 hours and I hate that feeling and the needles. So, I suffer through 30 seconds of pain when they get close to the end of the rotten area. I can give shots, draw blood and all of that, but I hate other people messing with needles on!
This thread is a fail without pics! I broke both my front teeth at the roots when I was 13, busted a molar on an unpopped popcorn kernel when 21, and later broke a couple more, one by an unshelled pistachio in a shelled bag, and I forget the other time... I have posts in the front teeth, two crowns, and one still broken, but the nerve long since dead... Busted teeth mojo sent!