small mojo request


Kick Henry Jackassowski
Soooo I'm not posting this on FB(not just yet), but I found a hard lump on the back of my head this morning. I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow morning, but i'm slightly worried about it. My co-worker told me that it might just be a cyst or swollen lymph node and I hope that's all it is.

Like a moron, I started looking up what it could possibly be on google... talk about freaking yourself out!!!

Moderate mojo sent.

I agree with your coworker, but it's good to check it out and set your mind at ease.
Aren't you a Jersey Guy? Owe anyone money and perhaps that was just a bat to the head as a small reminder to pay up before the cement shoes come?

Mojo sent. If it makes you feel any better I as freaking out a few weeks ago in the ER thinking the worst. It all came out good after letting my mind jump to baf conclusions.
Moderate mojo sent.

I agree with your coworker, but it's good to check it out and set your mind at ease.
This. If it makes you feel any better, my buddy was convinced he had Dyptheria after googling his symptoms. As expected, his self-diagnosis was way off the mark. Come to think of it, he's a Jersey guy too...hmmm....
Yeah, don't google that shit.... you only find the worst of the worst under symptoms, webMD and the like. That's one of the reasons my wife is now becoming an advocate for people with chrons and colitis so they can hear from other people who've gone through the symptoms, the meds, the surgeries, and the recovery to get more accurate information than the horror stories on the web.