Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Just like in Holland :idea:

Which reminds me: I need to get a Dutch passport before your English bollockses give the Great British Public[1] that referendum on EU membership.

[1] "Great Britain" is "Great" in the sense that is bigger than Brittany, bollockses notwithstanding.
SNP did more to keep the Tories in power than any bollocksing body :facepalm:

Ah well it's same old shite, same face as opposed to same old shite different face.

Speaking of same old shite, I'm off out to get bollocksed :embarrassed:

From what I hear from family and friends, I am not missing much. healthcare privatisation, lower standards of living, me! me! me! culture, increasing xenophobia and racism...

Yup, politics and the public seem to have thrown all common sense over board. Last year in NL all the idiocy started to really get on my nerves, glad to be gone for a bit. Not saying I'll never go back, but it's good to take a break.
Yup, politics and the public seem to have thrown all common sense over board. Last year in NL all the idiocy started to really get on my nerves, glad to be gone for a bit. Not saying I'll never go back, but it's good to take a break.

Yep, idiocy is taking over. Even some of my family harbour unhealthy xenophobic anti-muslim/ immigrant ideas. And we are Indonesian immigrants :facepalm:
ahoy hoy! :Wave:

Any you tossers remember the Ozric Tentacles? I'm going to see them tonight. Saw them a few years ago, they put on a good show. Two hours of trancy dance influenced psychedelic guitar noodling. It'd better not be bollocks :embarrassed:
Noon. Went for a bit of a roadtrip with the GF and a finnish friend yesterday, had to visit some place to measure a gallery space in the countryside. Pretty awesome, the lake area is damn pretty. Now we're planning to go on a proper roadtrip this summer, tents and everything.