Real-life Anime Girl: Anastasiya Shpagina’s Bizarre Make-up Tutorial

Modern Saint

Starve your Fear, Feed your Dream!

What is our world coming too?



Still deciding on this year's Halloween costume? Check out this flower fairy makeup tutorial by Anastasiya Shpagina (a.k.a Fukkacumi), from Ukraine. The 19-year-old hair stylist uses extreme makeup techniques and costumes to transform herself into a real-life anime character. "I'm not a like a doll, a doll is like me," she writes on her (a European version of Facebook) page.

It takes Shpagina about an hour to achieve her doe-eyed look—don't worry, the video is only six minutes long. Photographs on her Facebook fan page show a dangerously waifish young woman with deep crimson hair. She says she would like to one day have surgery to reshape her eyes and nip in her waist even more drastically. Shpagina is reported to weigh only about 90 pounds. Her VK page is posted with images that inspire her such as dragonflies, flowers, butterflies, tiny deer, and other woodland creatures, but her true muse is Valerie Lukyanova, the 21-year-old who sparked controversy in the spring by using plastic surgery and photo retouching to become a real-life Barbie.

Both young women live in Odessa, and according to images posted on VK, they appear to be close friends. Lukyanova claims to be the most famous woman on the Russian Internet, but Shpagina may have overtaken her. More than 800,000 people have viewed her YouTube Flower Fairy Tutorial.
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I'd be happy to shoot some vodka with the Russian Barbie.

Anime girl... DO NOT WANT.
Very unattractive anime girl. Some looks are meant to stay in cartoon form. That looks bad - and I like anime.
OK, so let's you fall in love with this chick. You marry her. Fifteen years later you’re waiting by the front door, "Honey! we're 45 minutes late!"
"I'm almost ready dear, I just finished the first eye."
If I could do makeup like that, I'd make myself a twelve inch anime wiener and fuck the stuffins out of those two. Who's with me?

Hello? Nobody?