Pizza Talk !11!

Here's another of our creations.
a pizza has a filling, a pizza has a crust

Pizza is bread, not pastry
Pizza has toppings, not fillings



On a serious note, that pizza above looks wrong and delicious at the same time
Pizza is bread, not pastry
Pizza has toppings, not fillings



On a serious note, that pizza above looks wrong and delicious at the same time
tomatoe tamahtoh and obviously you've never seen a Chicago pizza PIE

Here is a picture of a lemon meringue pie. What I see is a Pie with lemon and cream topping


and here is a Chicago pizza pie


I'm not seeing much difference here...both PIES have a filling/topping *spits

Finally think about a swimming pool if you will. Does a swimming pool get FILLED with water or does a swimming pool get TOPPED with water...tahmatoe/tamahtO :mad:
No, I don't think it's required to put anything besides cheese and sauce on a pizza, especially since there are so many cheeses that go well on pizza.
I do love pepperoni pizza, though. Mmmm..... pepperoni.
I respect the simplicity of the cheese pizza. But, I gotta say I love me some Oggi's Buffalo Wing pizza.
I’m tired.
I’m hungry.
I’m ordering pizza and wings delivered.

Why does it take an hour?
Will it be hot or cold when it arrives?
Does it really matter? It’ll make a great breakfast tomorrow morning.
Cold pizza and hot coffee. Breakfast of champions.

My diet is at risk.