Pictures from last nights Padres game from behind home plate.


My work gave me a very nice thank you gift of field level behind home plate seats. It had all the amenities of food and beverage, including a very good buffet.
Why is the arena empty??

probably becuase like most teams go if they ain't winning the fans don't show up and then when they win they pack 'em in (bandwagons).....except for the Giants, for instance we completely suck this year (so far) but still pack em in and sell out seats every game....the way it should be. That is one of my beefs with the Diamond backs and all AZ teams. If they win they sell if not the fans are calling for coaches to get fired, etc.....poor form !
The Rockies do pretty good even when they suck ( normal for them ).
It's all the transplants that live here wanting to see their home team.
It is a nice ball park ,and Blake St is a cool hangout before and after the game.