Physics-exploiting axe

Interesting idea. I would think the rotation would introduce more fatigue, but it's been a while since firewood has warmed me three times. . .
Wow. That video demo is pretty amazing.

If I had a need for firewood, it would be almost worth the $300 or so to have one shipped.
But yeah, I actually have a ton of wood (heh...heh) that I need to chop. Frankly, I was going to pay a team of humans to do it for me, but I might actually buy this thing instead.
Holy shnikies! I wish we had had one of those when I was growing up.
From Monty Python's Contractual Album:

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I want to be,
Pony trekking or camping,
Or just watching TV,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
It's the country for me.

You're so near to Russia,
So far from Japan,
Quite a long way from Cairo,
Lots of miles from Vietnam.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I want to be,
Eating breakfast or dinner,
Or snack lunch in the hall,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
Finland has it all.

You're so sadly neglected,
And often ignored,
A poor second to Belgium,
When going abroad.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I quite want to be,
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
Finland has it all.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I quite want to be,
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
Finland has it all.

Finland has it all...
that one cool maul. but having a tire keep everything in place plays a very big role in him being able to mutli strike the log. without the tire, the log piece fly all over the place and you spend a LOT of time bending over and picking them up and getting them to "stand up" on the chopping block.

but device.