One part tech tip, many more parts inspiration.

May daughter pointed this out to me today. I thought it was really good. Well worth 15 minutes. To me it is instructive and inspirational for any of us.

Published on Dec 13, 2017
Every wonder why you just can't get the right technique down? Former professional athlete Annie Pokorny considers what barriers exist to free movement for female athletes, and how identifying those barriers can change the way we experience the world well beyond sport. Annie Pokorny is a writer, blogger, and former professional athlete living in Ketchum. She spent her life moving between Utah, Colorado, Washington, Vermont, and Idaho in search of cross-country ski glory, eventually making her home in the Wood River Valley. She graduated summa cum laude from Middlebury College, where she fostered her entrepreneurial spirit, love for philosophy, and affection for fermented beverages. In 2015, she became a grantee of the Women's Sports Foundation, whose mission of introducing healthy, active lifestyles to women has become a driving passion in her writing, travel, and speaking. In fact, she has just launched women's style and adventure web mag designed to do just that! Her big dreams include running a successful internet business and being able to comfortably afford organic strawberries. If you want to avoid an hours-long conversation, probably don't ask her about her truck. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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